First level


Chemistry I (Theory)

Chemistry I (Practical)

English for Academic Purposes

Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions

Physics I (Theory)

Physics I (Practical)

Introduction to Pulp and Paper Making I

Mathematics I (Engineering)

Second level


Chemical Engineering Technology II

Chemical Engineering Technology II (Practical)

Engineering Physics II (Theory)

Engineering Physics II (Practical)

Physical Chemistry II (Theory)

Physical Chemistry II (Practical)

Pulp and Paper Chemistry II

Pulp and Paper Technology I

Pulp and Paper Practice I

Qualitative Techniques I

Third level


Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module A)

Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module A) (Practical)

Chemical Plant III (Module A)

Engineering Management II (Module A)

Pulp and Paper Technology II

Pulp and Paper Practice II

Fourth level


Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module B)

Chemical Engineering Technology III Module B (Practical)

Chemical Plant III (Module B)

Engineering Management II (Module B)

Pulp and Paper Chemistry III

Pulp and Paper Technology III

Pulp and Paper Practice III

Thermodynamics (Applied III)