First level


Introduction to Programming I

Digital Systems I (Theory)

Digital Systems I (Practical)

Electronics I (Theory)

Electronics I (Practical)

Electrical Engineering I (Theory)

Electrical Engineering I (Practical)

English for Academic Purposes

Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions

Mathematics I (Engineering)

Second level


Digital Systems II (Theory)

Digital Systems II (Practical)

Electronics II (Theory)

Electronics II (Practical)

Electrical Engineering II (Theory)

Electrical Engineering II (Practical)

Electrical Engineering Practice I

Introduction to Interactive Programming

Introduction to Web Design

Mathematics II (Engineering)

Third level


Digital Systems III (Theory)

Digital Systems III (Practical)

Electronic Communication II (Theory)

Electronic Communication II (Practical)

Electronics III (Theory)

Electronics III (Practical)

Electronic Measurements III (Theory)

Electronic Measurements III (Practical)

Electrical Engineering Practice II

Mathematics III (Engineering)

Metrology III (Theory)

Metrology III (Practical)

Fourth level


Control Systems III (Theory)

Control Systems III (Practical)

Design Project III

Interactive Programming

Internet Programming

Microwave Communication III (Theory)

Microwave Communication III (Practical)

Radio Engineering III (Theory)

Radio Engineering III (Practical)

Business Management IA

Business Management IB

Engineering Management II (Module A)

Engineering Management II (Module B)