First level
Applied Mechanics I (Practical)
Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions
Second level
Construction Materials I (Theory)
Construction Materials I (Practical)
Surveying: Civil II (Practical)
Theory of Structures II (Theory)
Theory of Structures II (Practical)
Third level
Geotechnical Engineering II (Theory)
Geotechnical Engineering II (Practical)
Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Design III (Theory)
Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Design III (Project)
Transportation Engineering II (Theory)
Transportation Engineering II (Project)
Water Engineering II (Practical)
Engineering Practice: Civil II (Workplace-Based Learning)
Engineering Practise: Civil II (Project – Based)
Fourth level
Geotechnical Engineering III (Theory)
Geotechnical Engineering III (Practical)
Structural Steel and Timber Design III (Theory)
Structural Steel and Timber Design III (Project)
Transportation Engineering III (Theory)
Transportation Engineering III (Practical)
Water Engineering III (Theory)
Water Engineering III (Project)
Water Engineering III (Practical)