First level


Conservation Ecology I

Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions

Ornamental Plant Propagation

Plant Growing and Care

Horticulture Practical I

Horticultural Mechanisation I

Landscape Maintenance

Ornamental Plant Use I

Plant Studies I

Soil Science I

Second level


Horticultural Resource Management I

Environmental Studies I

Nursery Design and Layout

Plant Growth Structures

Horticulture Practical II

Introductory Landscape Design Techniques

Ornamental Plant Use II

Ornamental Plant Use III

Plant Studies II

Third level


Horticulture Resource Management II

Horticultural Resource Management Practice (WIL)

Environmental Awareness and Responsibility

Ornamental Crop Production

Plant Pests and Diseases

Landscape Construction and Installation

Advanced Landscape Design Techniques

Landscape Design Practical

Landscape Design Practice (WIL)

Ornamental Plant Use Practice (WIL)