First level


Practising Workplace English

Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions

Introductory Financial Accounting

Food Preparation I

Food Preparation Practical I

Business Management IA

Business Management IB 

Introduction to Marketing

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Introduction to Nutrition and Energy Yielding Nutrients


Second level


Applied Food and Beverage Project 

Food Preparation II

Food Preparation Practical II 

Food Production Principles

Geography of Tourism

Food Service Organisation and Management

Meal Management 

Hospitality Industry Regulations

Events Management

Introduction to Housekeeping 


Third level


International Cuisine

Food and Beverage Service

Beverage Studies

Food Preparation for the Hospitality Industry (Theory) 

Food Preparation for the Hospitality Industry (Practical) 

Environmental Awareness and Responsibility

Front Office Operations 

Accommodation Operations 

Hospitality Project 

Operations: Data Systems